Latest Bulk Bitumen Price 2024

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 277-282 281-287 283-287 277-282
February 281-286 277-282 282-287 283-286
March 278-283 279-284 274-279 275-280
 294-301  294-301  286-293  
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 * Looking for high-quality bitumen? Contact our sales team to get a consult. 

* The weekly rates are subject to change due to fluctuations of ocean freight and commodity in the market

Latest Jey Embossed Bitumen Price 2024

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 363-368 366-371 365-370 358-363
February 366-371 358-363 361-366 360-365
March 358-363 358-363 353-359 354-360
366-371  359-363  
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Latest Pasargad Embossed Bitumen Price 2024

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 363-368 366-371 365-371 358-363
February 366-371 358-363 361-366 361-366
March 358-363 358-363 353-359 353-359
366-371  359-363  
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Latest New Steel Drum Bitumen Price 2024

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 358-363 362-367 362-366 353-358
February 362-367 353-358 354-359 354-359
March 349-354 349-354 344-349 353-359
356-361 356-361  359-363  
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Latest Bulk Bitumen Price 2023

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 345-355 345-355 320-330 310-320
February 315-325 310-320 310-320 305-315
March  310-320  315-325  340-350  345-355
April 345-355 350-360 356-361  362-367
May 358-363  349-354  340-345  321-325
June 318-322  299-304  286-291  276-281
July 276-281  271-276  291-296  297-303
August  339-349  344-349 344-349  330-335
September  325-330  320-325  309-314  326-331
October 326-331  336-341 336-341  331-336
November 328-334  318-324  314-319  302-307
December 296-301  288-293 288-293 281-286
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Latest Jey Embossed Bitumen Price 2023

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 400-405 400-405 390-400 390-400
February 395-405 400-405 400-405 400-405
March 415-425  420-430  445-455  440-445
April 445-455 445-455  446-451 444-449
May 434-439  426-431  419-424  406-410
June 402-406  395-400  375-380  371-376
July 371-376  377-382  398-402  411-416
August  437-447  446-451 446-451  429-433
September 424-429  419-424  414-419  433-438
October 433-438  336-340 336-340  427-432
November 416-421  409-414  404-409  393-398
 389-394 389-394 369-374 364-369
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Latest Pasargad Embossed Bitumen Price 2023

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 400-405 400-405 390-400 390-400
February 395-405 400-405 400-405 400-405
March 415-425  420-430 445-455  440-445
April 445-455 445-455  446-451  444-449
May 434-439  426-431  419-424  406-410
June 402-406  395-400  375-380  371-376
July 371-376  377-382  398-402  408-413
August 437-447  446-451 446-451  429-433
September 424-429  419-424  414-419  433-438
October 433-438  336-340 336-340  427-432
November 416-421  409-414  404-409  393-398
389-394 389-394  369-374 364-369
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Latest New Steel Drum Bitumen Price 2023

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 390-400 390-400 380-390 380-390
February 390-400 385-395 390-400 390-400
March 395-405  410-420  440-450  435-445
April 430-440 435-445  431-436  429-434
May 418-423  399-404  397-402  384-389
June 384-389  376-381  366-371  356-361
July 356-361  363-368 386-391   389-394
August  424-434 432-436  432-436   422-427
September 416-421 411-416   401-406  418-422
October 418-422 422-427  422-427   418-422
November 410-416  401-406 394-399   384-389
376-381 376-381  366-371 362-367
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Latest Bulk Bitumen Price 2022

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 310-320 315-325 345-365 365-375
February 425-435 430-440 430-440 430-440
March 440-450 440-450 440-450 440-450
April 450-460 445-455 420-430 425-435
May 425-435 415-425 400-410 390-400
June 390-400 380-390 355-365 355-365
July 350-355 340-350 335-345 310-320
300-305 330-340 340-350   350-360
350-360 345-355 330- 340 310- 315
October 300-305  320-330  380-390  340-350
November 350-360  380-390 380-390 385-400
December 375-385  365-375  350-355  340-350
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Latest Jey Embossed Bitumen Price 2022

Months 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week
January 385-395 400-410 425-435 435-445
February 490-495 510-520 510-520 510-520
March 520-540 520-540 520-540 520-540
April 530-550 525-545 495-505 500-510
May 500-510 485-495 465-475 465-475
June 465-475 460-465 450-460 440-450
July 435-445 425-430 405-410 380-390
August 375-385
410-420 410-420  420-430
September 420-430 425-430 410- 420 395-405
October 380-390  405-410  435-445  425-435
November 420-435  430-440 430-440  450-460
December 420-430  420-430  415-420  400-410
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Latest Pasargad Embossed Bitumen Price 2022

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 385-395 400-410 425-435 435-445
February 490-495 510-520 510-520 510-520
March 510-520 520-540  520-540 520-540
April 530-550 525-545 495-505 500-510
May 500-510 485-495 465-475 465-475
June 465-475 460-465 450-460 440-450
July 435-445 425-430 405-410 380-390
410-420 410-420  420-430
September 420-430 425-430 410- 420 395-405
October 380-390  405-410  435-445  425-435
November 420-435  430-440 430-440  450-460
December 420-430  420-430  415-420  400-410
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Latest New Steel Drum Bitumen Price 2022

1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
January 385-395 395-405 405-420 420-430
February 470-475 495-505 495-505 495-505
March 485-495 485-495 485-495  485-495
April 495-505 490-500 480-490 485-495
May 485-495 475-490 460-470 455-465
June 455-465 450-460 435-445 435-440
July 430-435 420-425 400-410 370-380
400-410  410-420  420-430
September 420-430 415-425 405- 415 385-395
October 370-380  395-405  425-435  425-435
November 415-430  425-435 425-435  430-440
December 420-430  415-425  395-405  385-395
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Bitumen, a valuable black substance, is one of the crude oil products. Therefore, it has some of the features of crude oil in itself. In other words, there is a close relationship between these two materials.

One of its apparent properties is its blackish-brown color. To add more, the color of bitumen can be lighter or darker depending on its content.

By the way, its application is mainly in road construction and roofing pavements.


Latest Bitumen Price:

Since bitumen is a product obtained from crude oil, oil prices can affect the latest bitumen price. Also, some other factors can have an impact on bitumen prices, such as:

  • The amount of supply and demand
  • The cost of the tools
  • Usable materials during the production process
  • Packing and transportation which are involved in producing bitumen
  • Climate condition and consumption seasons
  • Population growth
  • Natural events
  • Political problems like sanction and revolution


How Does Crude Oil Affect the Latest Bitumen Price?

Oil prices are changing in response to several reports about countries’ policies and global market fluctuations. On the other hand, rising or falling oil prices are also affecting global trade.

Over the past decades, OPEC member countries have increased and decreased production through cooperation, managed supply, and determined the oil and the latest bitumen price.

Although OPEC’s control over the global oil market has declined recently, its decisions continue to play an essential role in the oil market.

Governments, oil companies, brokers, oil insurers, investors, traders, policymakers, and consumers are scrutinizing the organization’s decisions as closely as possible.

Regularly, oil consumption rises during the travel season and in the winter.


Oil’s Direct Effect on the Latest Bitumen Price:

Oil has been the driving force behind the world economy for many years. Even today, when most countries are looking for alternative fuels, life without crude oil is unthinkable.

Carbon-based fuels are used in light and heavy products. They are used in the manufacture of chemicals, textiles, detergents, medicines, and all sectors of the transportation industry.

In short, Crude oil has been one of the most important materials in the industry since the 1950s, especially in the transportation industry.


Bitumen Price in 2023:

According to financial organization estimation, crude oil prices can increase in 2023. So, this can cause to increase in the latest bitumen price. With the fluctuations of the exchange rate and the economic growth of each region, we have to see how the price of oil will go in 2023.

All in all, the projects will continue in Europe, Africa, and East Asia unless particular circumstances like Corona cause them to stop.

Hence, there will be a demand for bitumen supply in the new year all over the world, just the amount of that may differ.


Iran Rank:

Fourth in terms of oil reserves and the sixth-largest producer, and can play an essential role in the latest bitumen prices and oil prices. That is why any sanctions imposed on Iran’s oil exports will directly influence world oil prices. But more important and prominent than Iran is a group of countries that have become members of an organization called OPEC to have a more significant impact on global oil prices and the latest bitumen prices to maintain high prices by controlling oil supply.

As we have explained above, the bitumen market, including the demands, price fluctuations, production, imports, and exports, depend on some global variables: the oil market, crude oil and the global economy. That’s why we update our market analysis every week.