What is Gilsonit?

The most frequently asked question is what is Gilsonite, which we tend to

discuss in this article. So, keep reading. Generally speaking, North American asphalt is a natural hydrocarbon mostly in the Unite area of northeastern Utah. This natural asphalt is as hard as petroleum asphalt and we more

know it as natural asphalt, unit asphalt, or asphalt.

What is Gilsonite’s characteristic?

Interestingly, in mass, it is a glowing and black substance. Besides, it is soluble

in aromatic and aliphatic solvents as well as petroleum asphalt. Due to its

unique compatibility, Gilsonite is the best choice for hardening

softer petroleum products.


Gilsonite Exports


Gilsonite solubility

Gilsonite solubility in different solvents has different percentages; however,

it can mix with most petroleum products. Important to know that the

percent solubility in solvents indicates the quality of the product.

Gilsonite analysis, mining, & price

Technically speaking, Gilsonite analysis can be physical or chemical by

destructive and non-destructive methods. By XRF and XRD, we can identify

the available elements. Important to know that the Gilsonite mining season

is usually spring and summer because most of the mines are full of water

when it rains and the miner does not take the risk of accepting the order. Since rain will fill the mine, the work will suspend.

When oil prices rise, the price of bitumen also rises, relative to lower the cost

of producing Gilsonite. It’s also good to know that Isogum producers use a

large volume to harden bitumen and mix it to reduce the volume of

bitumen consumption. The number of active mines is usually 10-12 mines

per year, but each of them must start tailing and trenching,

which affects the price depending on its size and the load output of the area.

What is Gilsonite packaging?

The packaging is usually due to the customer’s order, but we recommend

using 1000 kg or jumbo bags as well as paper bags and polypropylene on

pallets for maximum use of container volume and optimal weight. Due t

The most frequently asked question is What is Gilsonite which we tend to discuss in this article. So, keep reading.

North American asphalt, is a natural hydrocarbon mostly in the Unite area of ​​northeastern Utah.

This natural asphalt is as hard as petroleum asphalt and we more know it as natural asphalt, unit asphalt, or asphalt.

What are Gilsonite and its benefit of adding to refinery bitumen?

That can perfectly act as a modifier. It is important during the hot

asphalt production process and often to eliminate polymer problems.

The simplicity of combining that with other hot compounds. Respectively, stable

appearance and form of the solution that remains constant during storage.

In sum, Gilsonite is a typically thick, black, lightweight natural substance

that emanates from the solidification of petroleum. As mentioned above,

the dull, black appearance of it resembles coal, whereas the surface of

freshly broken form is bright and relates obsidian.