VG 40 bitumen
Worried about the demands, price, and the market of VG 40 bitumen,
many suppliers and buyers are looking for an informative and verified
website from which they can find their answers. That’s why we have written
this article in order to inform them about the latest news that is relevant
to the VG 40 bitumen market.
The price of the OPEC oil basket & the VG 40 bitumen
The price of the OPEC oil basket has almost decreased and reached
$52.24 per barrel. It is worth mentioning that the Libyan Minister of
Petroleum formed the OPEC members. As a matter of fact, a possible
emergency meeting has been ahead of next month’s scheduled meeting. We also expect domestic oil demand to reach 1.1 million barrels this year,
according to the US Energy Information Administration. It’s important to
know that it will decrease by 4.5% per day or equivalent,
which is the largest daily decrease since 1980.
We should note that the US Department of Energy has its forecast
revised of global oil demand in 2009. Demand for US retail gasoline
also fell last week. Respectively, it affects the price of crude oil in world markets. Moreover, the Wall Street stock index rose over two dollars. On Friday,
concerns about declining demand affected the price of crude oil in world
markets on a volatile working day, reports show.VG 40 bitumen
January shipment contracts will begin
According to a report published by Reuters, the country’s unemployment
rate rose sharply in October to 6.5 percent. Unfortunately,
it has been unprecedented in the United States for the past
fourteen-and-a-half years, showing that 240,000 people lost in October.
To be more specific, the country is unemployed. The US Department of Labor
also announced the number of people who will find jobs in August and
last September’s losses were also far greater than previous. In other words, economic statistics show that in the last September,
the US economy was down 284,000 jobs,
the highest figure since 9/11 – the time of the attack. The World Trade
Center towers in New York – so far. Last August, 127,000 jobs lost in the
United States. This means that in August and September
last year, 179,000 jobs were more than before.VG 40 bitumen
Also , We currently estimate the number of unemployed in the United States
at over 10 million. In the current year 1.2 million jobs have vanished in the
United States, down from just 651,000 in the last quarter. As you may know,
this is another important variable that has a large impact on the
bitumen and oil market.